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2012. Ahead of the events

© Victoria Popova, Lidia Andrianova, 2011

Russian scientists decoded many hundreds of extraterrestrial civilizations (ETC) pictograms and composed the dictionary of ETC symbols of consciousness for over 250.  ETC warn about global cataclysms beginning soon and three preliminary cataclysms just before them. ETC show the epicenter of first pre-cataclysm and humanity loses.  Global cataclysms will never stop and will strength. The only way for salvation is humanity Transition on another safe level of material world through the united consciousness.

ETC inform that in order of transfer through levels of parallel worlds is required a body transformation. Earth civilization can make the Transition only on the Highest level of the material world. This Transition requires not a body transformation, but body destruction. This destruction can be made only by laser as a result of the united consciousness action.  ETC warn that Earth civilization due to insufficient consciousness perfection has very weak action of the united consciousness.  So, for laser appearance is required huge power of the united consciousness action.  ETC represent the required high homogeneous cellular structure of the civilization united cell with resonance activity.

Synchronous unification of civilization’ consciousness will cause the laser beam which will remove our bodies from the level of global cataclysms. Simultaneously we will resurrect at the Highest level of the material world without cataclysms. This way humanity will escape global cataclysms and prolong life in the new cycle of the Correction with two categories – hell and paradise. Everyone will be responsible for the actions he makes today. This is the scenario of our Transition – the only way for salvation.

Civilization’ Transition will not affect anyone’ private property. ETC pictograms give instruction for change of consciousness mode from individual to the united.

ETC inform that the latest time to make the Transition is immediately after the first pre-cataclysm. After the second pre-cataclysm the Transition will be impossible. In will be not enough people to start up the mechanism of the Transition.

Civilization has to be pre-informed. ETC insist to spread widely the information about upcoming cataclysms and the Transition as the only one way to prolong life of Earth humanity. ETC warn that humanity has to make the decision about the Transition as quickly as possible because after the first pre-cataclysms it will be very difficult to do it. This is related with disconnecting of phone and Internet communications in the result of super-powerful disaster.

Not informed civilization has no chance to make the Transition in time and to prolong life.

Edgar Cayce about the only way for salvation. Edgar Cayce the famous American prophet predicted global cataclysms beginning and foretold that hope of humanity will come from Russia. Edgar Cayce predicted that the salvation of mankind from global cataclysms will be based on the principles of association and fraternity. It will be not a communism. But everyone will be responsible for each other. So, it means the unification of all civilization consciousness. Just this information transfer ETC in all their messages and Russian scientists decoded their pictograms.

Each pictogram repeats the same ETC instruction for humanity salvation. ETC warn that the only way for the Transition on another safe level of the material world through the united consciousness. This Principle of the united consciousness ETC constantly use for teleportation flights through million of light year in the universe.

Composed the dictionary of ETC symbols. Russian scientists decoded many hundreds of ETC pictograms scattered all over the world and composed the dictionary of ETC symbols of consciousness for over 250 symbols.  Now everyone can read and understand messages of ETC.

During many millennia ETC created by unknown to humanity information technology many objects-pictograms with the same symbolic. These objects-pictograms form the System of Information Transmission (SIT) which covered the whole world. Among them are: Stonehenge, Muchu Picchu, Chavin de Huantar, Chachapoyas, Cuzco, the Nazca Lines, Chichen-Itza, the great pyramids of Giza and the Sphynx, moai of Easter Island, Mexican pyramids the Moon and the Sun and many others.

Global cataclysms and three preliminary cataclysms coming soon. ETC warn about beginning of global cataclysms soon as a result of critical Earth magnetic field decreasing. Shortly before global cataclysms three preliminary cataclysms of incredible power will happen. Three pre-disaster as three warning signals before the start of a global cataclysm.

ETC inform that global cataclysms will never stop and will become only stronger because the purpose of global cataclysms is the destruction of our planet. So, it is impossible to hide in bunkers which are popular today and are sold in many countries and wait till they end.

Nobody will be saved in big ships-submarines as it is shown in movie «2012».

The purpose of global cataclysms is the destruction of our planet. ETC confirm that global cataclysms will transfer our Earth from the group of planets with present development of consciousness to the group of planets with past development of consciousness, such as Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uran, Neptune, Pluto.


In many millions of years our flourished Earth will become as desert planet Mars almost without atmosphere and water. Scientists consider that long ago Mars had dense atmosphere and water.

The present stage of planet Mars destruction is accompanied by terrible dust storms, the strongest in the solar system.

Holy Scriptures noted that global cataclysms will turn mountains on Earth into heaps of sand.

ETC warned that individually nobody will be saved and the great civilization of Earth will be destroyed by global cataclysms.  In every message ETC warn that only through unification of consciousness we have to make the Transition to the Highest level of the material world and prolong our life on the safe level in the new cycle of Correction.

Critical decreasing of Earth's magnetic field – cause of global cataclysms beginning is presented by Earth magnetic field symbols – rhombs and rectangular shape figures in chess board order.


Ancient complex of Chan-Chan in Peru point inform that life of mankind totally depends of condition of Earth magnetic field.

Moreover, complex Chan-Chan confirms that humanity is like fishes in the net of magnetic field of Earth.

Epicenter of the first pre-cataclysm – an extraordinary event. ETC pictograms warn about the first pre-cataclysm coming soon as an extraordinary event in the physical world which surpasses all natural powers known to humanity.

Edgar Cayce predicted that in a few minutes cataclysm will change Earth surface beyond recognition and waters of Mexican Gulf will be joint with Great Lakes.

Information about great power of pre-cataclysms is transmitted through acoustic effect in several ancient complexes. Thus, in Chavin de Huantar unusual uncontrolled power of pre-cataclysms presents terrible roar of water in underground labyrinths in period of melting glaciers at spring solstice. Mountain echo strengths a strong acoustic effect.

]Idol Lanson is set in underground gallery in complete darkness. Only twice a year in the autumn and spring solstice in the period of melting glaciers, idol is illuminated by a ray of sun light.

The sun ray illuminating the idol Lanson represents a laser beam caused by unified consciousness of humanity. Sunbeam falls on Lanson through a hole in the ceiling depicts the Principle of the united consciousness. The Indian oracle indicates the only way of salvation for humanity through the united consciousness of civilization.

Thus, Lanson points out that only the united consciousness of humanity will cause a laser beam, which removes a body from level of global cataclysms and will make the Transition to the Highest level of the material world.

Machu Picchu. In the Machu Picchu the roar of the mountain river Urubamba, in the narrow valley at the base of the mountain, which is located at the top of Machu Picchu, blocks even cry, demonstrates the global cataclysms. Located high in the clouds, Machu Picchu represents a city of our future at the Highest level of the material world, without disasters.

Two levels – the level of the river and high mountains located on the top of Machu Picchu, showing two levels of the material world. Level of the river is the level of Crystal structures, where we live now and where will soon begin global cataclysms. High mountains represent the Highest level of the material world, where we have to make the Transition and continue our lives.

Other complexes of Peru – Chan-Chan, Pachacamac, Machu Picchu, complexes of Mexico, crop circles and others also inform about global cataclysms.

In Chan-Chan ETC show the epicenter of the first pre-cataclysm. ETC inform that the first pre-cataclysm will occur in the Pacific Ocean from outside Peru in the area of the Brazilian Magnetic Anomaly. It will start up at the intersection of Humboldt Current, which runs from south to north, and El Ni?o, which runs parallel to the equator.

In Chan-Chan complexes ETC confirm that first pre-cataclysm will occur in the ocean - through marine motifs by images of fishes, currents, waves, marine animals.


Below are presented some examples of marine motifs in crop circles.


In crop circle 30 July Berkshire, England ETC represent the direction of first pre-cataclysm action and human losses. It is shown that it will pass through east coast of the North America. The road is the ocean that separates two circles, representing two continents – South and North America.

30 July, 2010 Berkshire, England

The intensity of human losses on both continents – North America and South America are shown by small circles, arranged in parallel lines.

In the complex of three Great pyramids are presented compass symbols by three small pyramids near Cheops and Menkaure pyramids placed in perpendicular directions – north-south, west-east.  In the picture below they are marked red.

Compass symbols are presented also in the crop circle 18.07.07 Wiltshire England by two perpendicular quadrilaterals. Comparison of two pictograms – Great Pyramids of Giza and crop circle 18.07.07 Wiltshire England is presented in decoding of crop circle June 2, 2010 Liddington Castle, Wiltshire, England . It allows determining the epicenter of three pre-cataclysms. The biggest pyramid in the crop circle July 18, 2007 Wiltshire, England corresponds to the Great pyramid of Cheops. In this crop circle dug in the biggest pyramid represents loss of people in the first pre-cataclysm. Dug is located in the south-west.

Collection of data presented by different ETC pictograms allow determining the epicenter of first pre-cataclysm in the Pacific Ocean near coast of Peru.  Two smaller ruined pyramids in crop circle 18.07.07 Wiltshire England represent losses of people in second and third pre-cataclysms.

ETC inform that the only one way of humanity salvation is the Transition to the safe Highest level of the material world through united consciousness of civilization. Humanity will prolong life in the new cycle– the cycle of Correction.

Our Transition ETC explain as a flight and present by images of different birds in Chan-Chan and the Nazca Lines, Peru.

Chan-Chan images of birds point on our Transition

The Nazca Lines images of Humming birds, Flamingo and Pelican represent our Transition

Our Transition is presented by Birdman in Tula, Mexico and on Easter Island.


Birdman of Tula, Mexico                              Birdman of Easter Island                                                                                        
In crop circles our Transition is presented by dragonfly, butterfly, swallows and other birds.

Serpent is ETC symbol of global cataclysms.  In the ETC symbols of consciousness serpent is the symbol of global cataclysms. Serpent is presented in many complexes of the System of Information Transmission of ETC. Incredible demonstration of coming global cataclysms danger for humanity is presented by shadow effect at the Temple of Kukulcan in the complex Chichen-Itza.

From individual consciousness to the united at the eve of global cataclysms beginning


The Temple of Kukulcan is 9-stepped pyramid 24 meters high with wide stairs on either side. Shadow effect on the spring and autumn equinoxes – March 20 and September 21 make up the movement of serpent’ body 37 meters long, creeping from the top to his own head with open throat carved at the base of the stairs. Thousand of people come all over the world to see this event.

Feathered Serpent, bottom of «El Castillo» staircase


Shadow effect forms zig-zag line which represents the Principle of the united consciousness formation necessary for the Transition to the Highest level of the material world without cataclysms. ETC inform that it is the only way for prolongation of life in coming global cataclysms.

In the complex Chichen-Itza warning about destruction of humanity retaining in individual mode of consciousness by global cataclysms is presented by stone statue Chac Mool and two serpents from both sides behind the man. Stone statue Chac Mool is a symbol of helpless humanity at the global cataclysms which call for change of consciousness mode from individual to the united.

So, the complex Chichen-Itza presents terrible picture, showing helpless humanity, left face to face with global cataclysms of incredible power, shovel the earth's surface for the destruction of mountains and leveling the surface of the planet. This way is presented humanity, which has not made a decision about consciousness unification for the Transition to the next cycle of life.

In the pictogram 20 June 2011, Wiltshire England same information also presented by serpents – as global cataclysms and zigzag – the united consciousness of civilization.

A cross passing through a small brain area of individual cell in the center confirm information that life of humanity with individual consciousness will be interrupted by global cataclysms.

In complex Chichen-Itza are presented all phases of civilization’ Transition to the Highest level of the material world as the only way for salvation from global cataclysms. ETC confirm that the mechanism of the Transition is very simple. Humanity has to unite consciousness with one common goal – to remove our body from the level of global cataclysms. The laser beam caused by civilization’ united consciousness action will remove our bodies from the level of global cataclysms – level of Crystal Structures (LCS).  Simultaneously we will arise on the safe Highest level (HL) of the material world without cataclysms with new holographic body. We will prolong our life in the cycle of the Correction and everyone will be responsible for the actions he makes. So, do good today.

During our Transition we will make a body transformation. This mechanism of a body transformation ETC constantly use for teleportation-flights between galaxies through million of light years.

Thus, the process of the united consciousness formation of Earth civilization for the Transition represent by thousand ccolumns in the Temple of a Thousand Warriors. Today population of Earth is 6.8 billion of people. Each column depicts a brain area of individual cell of human being.

The Highest level of the material world is shown by the top level of the Temple of the Warriors. The resurrected humanity on the Highest level is shown by many columns on the top of the Temple placed on the territory of a half-moon. Symbol of half-moon represent the shift of the brain area at the united consciousness formation.

Columns standing upstairs on the staircase show the humanity way from the level of Crystal structure to the Highest level of the material world for the Transition and prolongation of life.

The unification of civilizations consciousness is presented in Mexican complex Tula by images of columns similar to that at Chichen Itza.

Tula, Mexico


The resurrected humanity on the Highest level of the material world is shown by human figures “atlantids” 5 meters high on the top of the main Temple of Quetzalcoatl.


In complex Tula ETC inform that humanity can be destroyed by global cataclysms. This information is presented by serpent-snake eating a man.

Global cataclysms were presented also by pillars presenting feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl which were located at the entrance. Now pillars with the serpent images are missing.



ETC created in Mexico many other majestic complexes which are placed in the path of the first pre-cataclysm. According to prophecy of E. Cayce the waters of the Mexican Golf will joint with Great Lakes.  Among Mexican famous complexes are Tula, Calakmul, giant Olmec heads and others.


Calakmul                                                                   Olmec heads

This way ETC shows humanity and great and the only way of salvation from the seemingly hopeless situation – the Transition to the Highest level of the material world.



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