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Laser for the Transition

© Victoria Popova, Lidia Andrianova, 2011

ETC inform that in order to prolong our life united consciousness of civilization’ has to cause a laser beam required for humanity’ Transition. Laser is not a mystery for humanity. Modern technology widely used laser beam for different purposes. However, laser used by humanity for technology and art show is produced by special equipment.

ETC inform that united consciousness of humanity also can cause a laser beam. Laser for the Transition has to be arisen as an action of all civilization united consciousness. The goal of laser is the Transition of humanity at the Highest level of the material world and resurrection on this level for prolongation of life.

According to this purpose laser has to remove our bodies on the level of global cataclysms. This necessity is a result of lack of consciousness perfection insignificant for a body transformation. However, only a body transformation changing the density of a body, allows ETC transfer though sublevels of the Intermediate level for teleportation flights through the universe. So, teleportation and the Intermediate level is closed for us. For our life remains only the Highest level of the material world.

ETC explain that the Transition to the Highest level is possible only through the General resurrection of all civilization simultaneously. However resurrection requires break of the connection between information cell and its projection in the material world as human being for all civilization. Thus, this process can realize only laser.

So, only through a laser beam we can make the Transition on the safe Highest level of the material world in the new cycle of life without cataclysms. ETC warn that this is the only way to prolong our life in the time of global cataclysms beginning.

We will disappear from the level of Crystal structures of global cataclysm rage.  Simultaneously our new 3-D holographic body will resurrect on the Highest level of the material world. So, a new life-cycle of resurrected humanity – the cycle of Correction will begin.

Information that only through a laser beam we can make the Transition is represented in many ETC pictograms. The outstanding presentation of this process ETC show by sarcophagi of Karajia in Chachapoys, Peru. Beams of laser are shown by rays on chests of all sarcophagi, representing ETC symbol of body destruction.

The necessity for a laser beam to the Transition humanity into the next cycle of life is very clearly demonstrated in the complexes of Chachapoyas, located above the clouds. Therefore the highest location on the Earth's surface complexes with information about the laser ETC transmit that it is the only way to the Highest level of the material world.

ETC inform that the process of the Transition has several stages. The first stage of the Transition – unification of humanity consciousness – represents moai of Easter Island on ahu-platforms. Sarcophagi of Karajia show the last stage of the Transition – bodies removed by laser from the level of global cataclysms through the united consciousness action.

Dematerialization from the level of global cataclysms is shown by replacement of sarcophagi platform on the edge of breakage at high altitude.

High homogeneous cellular structure of civilization' united cell for the Transition

Required for the Transition structure of civilization' united cell ETC presented in the pictogram on July 6, 2010 Hampshire, England. ETC underline that civilization has to form high homogeneous cellular structure with resonant activity.

So, the united consciousness of civilization for the Transition has to be as a monolith. The monolith of the united consciousness cell is shown in many ETC pictograms in Peru complexes. Thus in Machu-Picchu, wonder of the world, monolith is shown everywhere. In the temple of the Sun the monolith of the united consciousness as a part of the rock is shown at the basis. Huge monolith placed near by the Temple of the Sun too.

The Temple of the Sun, Machu Picchu, Peru

In the temple of the Moon the monolith of entire civilization is presented as a huge roof – part of the mountain.  Monolith also placed near by the Temple of the Moon.

The Temple of the Moon, Machu Picchu, Peru

The Intihuatana just like all other pictograms calls to change the mode of consciousness from individual to united.

The homogeneous structure of civilization' united cell is clearly presented in the Cave of the Hands in Argentina by famous color paintings of numerous small left hands made about 9,000 years ago.

The Cave of the Hands, Argentina

Five fingers in each hand point on the fifth level of consciousness – the united consciousness formation. The left hands specify that consciousness association should come from heart. Small size of hands means that for consciousness association is required spiritual, but not physical power. Bright colors of the composition pay attention to this major instruction of ETC about consciousness unification.

ETC inform that the basis of the Transition is the Principle of the united consciousness formation: as a result of unification of two people consciousness two individual cells with small brain areas form the united consciousness cell with expanded brain area.

On the pictogram 6 July 2010 Hampshire, England two small circles represent two brain areas of individual cells. The big semicircle is a brain area of the united consciousness cell.

July 6, 2010 Hampshire, England

Only homogeneous gain medium of civilization’ consciousness through resonance will cause a laser beam.  At synchronous unification of all mankind consciousness in the united cell with high homogeneous structure an action of incredible power will arise. It will be revealed in the material world as laser.  So, a laser beam necessary for the Transition will arise as a result of synchronization of mankind’ consciousness.

Homogeneous structure of Earth civilization’ united cell should consist of separate groups of people prepared for the united consciousness formation. It will cause resonance.

Synchronization of consciousness of Earth mankind will happen independently of people’s location because Information world where our consciousness works has no time, nor space.

High homogeneous cellular structure of humanity consciousness will not arise by itself. It can be formed only under certain special conditions and preparation. Process of preparation for association of civilization’ consciousness is incredibly important and must have unprecedented global planetary scale. So, we have to form global planetary consciousness in the shortest time as a result of global cataclysms beginning soon.

ETC warn that rejection this program and remaining in the individual fourth level of consciousness will inevitably lead to destruction of our civilization in global cataclysms. This information ETC show by crosses in many pictograms:

  • in the Temples of the Crossed Hands in Kotosh, Sechin and Willkawain in Peru,

Kotosh Sechin Willkawain, Temple in Peru, Ancash

  • by cross hands of Pharaohs in ancient Egyptian Temple of Carnac, made 4.000 years ago.


In crop circles numerous grave crosses corresponding to the fourth level of individual consciousness clearly show fatal future of our civilization in this regime of consciousness.

The pictogram revealing today's structure of mankind’ cell reflects the large-scale heterogeneity of human consciousness separated by thick walls of cells. Our aggressive consciousness reveals in wars, acts of terror, indifference to fate of others.

So, for the Transition and prolongation of our life ETC call to change the mode of consciousness from individual to the united.

Our Transition will not affect anybody’ private properties.

For more information please search our video:

2012. Our Transition. Part 12. Laser for the Transition


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